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Super Specials

We are continuing to transition away from traditional bike sales so our remaining bicycle stocks are heavily discounted.

Our business is now focused on:

- quality bike repairs

- custom builds,

- bike fitting,

- specialised recumbent and mobility vehicles, manual and electric.


Where we are

478 Whitehorse Road
Mitcham Victoria 3132

Phone : 03 9874 8033
Email :
Our normal opening hours are :

Monday : open by appointment

Tuesday to Thursday : 9am to 3pm

Friday : 9am to 5pm

Saturday : 9am to 12pm

Specialist bike fitting: by appointment during business hours or after hours (contact us).



What else do we do besides just sell and fix bikes?


Cycle Science offers an expert and respectful bike fitting service by appointment, after house if necessary. Our bike fitting expert and master bike mechanic, Peter Holloway has 20 years experience and is a qualified Specialized Bicycle Body Geometry Fit Technician. Everthing from a minor adjustment to a full body geometry fit can be done to make you comfortable and  "at one" with your bike.


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Every Body Geometry Fit Session, whether you are a novice or experienced cyclist, starts with a pre-fit interview to discuss your cycling goals and aspirations. The interview will also discuss any injuries that will affect your bike fit.

The second part of the Body Geometry fit is a comprehensive 20-point flexibility assessment. This provides an accurate picture of your flexibility and other physical attributes that will determine your final riding position. These include foot structure, knee position, spinal curvature and hip flexion.

The third part of the Body Geometry Fit Session is a side-X/Y plane analysis so you can be placed in a neutral position that is both powerful and comfortable. This is done by seat width selection and precise adjustment of seat height and recess, handlebar height, stem length and cleat position.

Next is a front or Z plane analysis so that hip, knee and foot alignment can be optimised for greater comfort and performance. This includes analysis of pedal and shoe placement as well as squareness on the saddle.

You should allow around 3 hours if you have a booking and bring your bike, cycling clothes, gloves, pedals, shoes, helmet and a drink bottle.

Lastly we will phone you about 7-10 days after the fit to ensure you are happy with the result, or if you are not, to get you back in for a follow up.

A comprehensive, Body Geometry bike fit is one of the best investments you can make in your cycling.



We also run basic bike maintenance courses when requested where we teach basics like changing tyres and fixing punctures.  These sessions are very hands-on (yes, we provide gloves so you don't get your hands dirty!). Our course attendees get to change their own wheels and diagnose and fix their own punctures with our helpful staff demonstrating and assisting. We provide light refreshments at these courses.

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« March 2025 »